Small Group Questions

Screenshot questions for your small group discussions

Questions from January 19, 2025

“Prepare to Impact: Impact Lives”


Exodus 3:1-12

  1. Discuss with the small group a time where you felt called by God to do something. Did you follow through with it? Did you avoid it for a long time? Discuss that experience.

  2. What do you think the wilderness experience was like for Moses? How do you think you would have responded to the situation that Moses was in when he was fleeing Egypt?

  3. Do you ever feel like you aren’t prepared enough to make an impact in peoples lives? Why or why not?

  4. Think about the story of Moses. How did God use him to impact people throughout his life? How do these stories reflect the power of God at work?

  5. Discuss with the group someone who impacted your life. What were they like and how did they impact you?

  6. Act. Think about ways this group can impact someones life. Maybe you can do something as simple as writing a card, calling, or visiting someone in need? Maybe you can be more open with your coworkers and friends about your faith? Ideas are limitless, discuss them and write them down. Pray over this list at the end.

Questions from January 12, 2025

“Prepare to Impact: ALL”


Genesis 12:1-9; Genesis 15:1-18(19 too if you want to pronounce some fun names.)

  1. Can you think of a time where you felt overlooked by someone. What was that like? Can you think of a time where you mistakenly looked over someone that you should have paid more attention to? Talk as a group. Don’t focus on shame, we have all done this. Talk more about the experience.

  2. The connection of God’s grace and mercy for all people becomes directly tied to Abraham through this story in Genesis. This story is really about God using man to co-labor in his redemptive work with creation, here we find Abraham walking with God and committing his life to devotion and worship. It’s about God, not Abraham. How can this testimony shape the way we view out role in Preparing ALL generations to impact lives for Christ? (Sorry for the long run-on question.)

  3. How was the promise God makes to Abraham in Genesis 15 significant? What does this tell us about the character of God?

  4. Abraham’s devotion enabled his obedience. Have you seen this to be true in your own life? Discuss.

  5. Outside of being flawed humans, why is it difficult to have the eyes of God? What gets in your way from seeing people the way God does?

  6. Act. Pray for compassion and to have the vision that God does. How can this small group bring non-believers to know God? Pray that you are able to see what you do not see already.